Welcome to dipdoomagazoo, where I blog and post details of forthcoming gigs, workshops and publications. I live and work in Whitley Bay and have my fingers in several creative pies. These include Happy Planet Creative Arts CIC and The North Tyneside Writers’ Circle.
My latest book is The Princess of Felling. You can buy the book online from my Etsy store and my publisher’s eBay shop, Once the lockdown is lifted I hope you will be able to buy it in person from Cogito Books in Hexham, Newcastle’s City Library, Felling Volunteer Library, Gateshead Central Library, Happy Planet Studio and Gallery 3A Ilfracombe Gardens, Whitley Bay, NE26 3ND.
Sadly I cannot run workshops or perfom at present due to COVID-19. Let’s hope the situation changes in the coming months.Take care and stay safe.