Poetry with Friends is three years old! Gail Curry and I held our first Poetry with Friends session on a Tuesday night in June 2014. Those early poetry appreciation with a difference sessions were held in North Shields overlooking the river. We moved over to Whitley Bay last year but have moved venues several times. We’ve swapped venues again this month but we’re hoping this time it’s for good.
We held our final PWF in St Paul’s Church on Tuesday 13th June. We shared poems by Yeats, John Burnside, Carol Ann Duffy, Pam Ayres, Geordie Broon plus poems by three of our PWF gang.
Our new Tuesday night venue is the Big Local building which is opposite St Paul’s Church in the centre of Whitley Bay. The building used to be Walkers Furniture. It’s next to Bay Traders.
Our first meeting in our new venue takes place this coming Tuesday 27th June 7pm to 9pm. Cost: £4.50 (includes refreshments). Why don’t you join us?