A friend sent me an email recently with the line “are you running out of fingers yet?!” My chum was referring to all the creative projects I’m involved in. I think he was alluding to the “fingers in pies” concept.
One of my creative pies is the Newcastle Photography Festival. Actually, it’s not “my” pie. It’s not my idea or my “creative baby.” All I do is assist Paul Cordes with his vision of inspiring and educating folk with photography in all its forms from 19th century techniques to 21st century digital images.
The inaugural Newcastle Photography Festival took place in autumn 2014 and was funded almost entirely by Paul, with a little bit of help from the RSA https://www.thersa.org
The festival was well-received so we decided to stage another one this autumn from 17th to the 22nd of October. The brochure is being printed as I type but there are workshops, talks, events, music and more. Keep watching the website for details of the programme http://www.newphotofest.com/
I launched a fundraising campaign to help cover our modest costs. You can find out more at https://www.gofundme.com/newphotofest2016