The big creative question “How do you start to write?” is often followed by “How long should you write for each day?”

There are no rules for either question. Both of them continue to engage, frighten and energise me on a daily basis. I argue and fight with my poetic muse and she usually wins.

Yesterday Cullercoats-based writer Kitty Fitzgerald shared some words of wisdom about the creative process. She joined me plus  Jennifer C Wilson and Sandy Chadwin  in Jennifer’s home to discuss the inaugural Pure Fiction event on Saturday 30th July. Pure Fiction is a new event celebrating (you guessed it!) fiction writers. Kitty, Jennifer and Sandy will perform at the event in Whitley Bay’s library and I’ll be hosting the event.

Kitty Fitzgerald - Writer Cullercoats ,  Tyne & Wear - February 2016
Photo of Kitty Fitzgerald by M Critchlow

Kitty brought lots of great advice to the meeting. She also excused herself after an hour and a half in order to return home. She said she needed to work on a piece of writing for another hour before guests arrived. I was impressed by her discipline on a rainy Saturday afternoon.

She told us she had a quote from Henry Miller on display in her creative workspace. I don’t know the exact quote but Miller advises concentrating on one creative project at a time. He suggests writing two pages a day, every day and in six months you will have a first draft.

Sound advice.

 I also like Julie Myerson’s advice to try and write for five minutes a day, everyday. It doesn’t sound like much but how many times do writers miss out on writing every day?

I find comfort in the words of Julia “The Artist’s Way” Cameron who suggests creative bods turn up every day to write morning pages. She says there we can “rest” in the page. It works. I’ve tried it.

Pure Fiction will feature readings by Kitty, Jennifer and Sandy but also questions posed by me and, I hope, audience members. Come along to listen, learn and join in the creative debate. For more info and tickets visit

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