Hard to believe that two weeks ago I was strolling in sunny Galloway with my Love. We were in Scotland celebrating my 50th birthday. Our planned trip to the Isle of Arran was cancelled due to bad weather so we mooched around Scotland’s book town, Wigtown and neighbouring Bladnoch. Our favourite shop was Beltie Books: great conversation and fabulous cakes.
We enjoyed browsing the shops and exploring the countryside. Of course COVID-19 was in every conversation and I worry for the hotels and B&Bs we stayed in plus the delightful cafes and pubs we visited. Will they cope?
Our final day and night was spent in the beautiful Isle of Whithorn, one of Scotland’s most southerly villages and seaports. Cult film The Wicker Man was shot there. I wonder if the annual Wee Wicker Man Festival will take place this summer as planned?
When I’m not writing I work as an Activities Co-ordinator in a care home. I’m now officially classed as a key worker as are the home’s carers and domestic staff. I’ve always thought that care workers and home care workers trundling around the community on foot, unreliable public transport and occasionally in cars are undervalued by government and society. Pity it’s taken a global pandemic for them to get the recognition they deserve.
Yesterday morning Ocado’s Chair Stuart Rose was interviewed on Radio Four’s Today programme. He described his experience of living with Coronavirus. Stuart, or Lord Rose of Monewden, is the former executive chairman of Marks & Spencer. He must know a thing or two about food production and distribution.
Lord Rose announced on air “Nobody will starve” in this current crisis then advised listeners get creative in the kitchen. He suggested cooking a roast chicken then using the leftovers the next day for a stirfry and perhaps a soup. Thanks, Stuart. I’m sure I’m not the only listener who’s spent a lifetime stretching ingredients over days.
Let’s hope Rose is right with his claim that “Nobody” in the UK “will starve” as a result of this situation. His comment referred to the customers of Ocado but what about the rest of the UK and beyond?
Our government tell us this is an economic as well as health crisis. I think we worked that one out for ourselves over a fortnight ago, especially those of us existing on the minimum wage or less. It’s a global financial crisis which will hit the poorest of world hardest.