Poetry with Friends is a poetry appreciation group with a difference. In fact it comprises of two groups. There’s our Thursday morning one which meets in Whitley Bay library every fortnight and then there’s the Tuesday evening one in Boo Boo and Ted. I co-organise these groups but they power along with the energy of our regular attendees. Some of them are members of both groups.
We share poems by published authors as well as our own. So far this year we’ve shared work by Adrian Mitchell, Ted Hughes, Joyce Grenfell, Brian Patten, Elizabeth Jennings, Tom Kelly, Mary Oliver, Wilfred Owen, W.H Davies, Moniza Alvi, Noreen Rees, Thomas Hardy, Robbie Burns plus work by our gang: Rowland, Gail, Alan, Jackie, John and James.
We’ve decided to compile our very own Top Ten Poems. Well, inevitably it will be Top 50 or Top 100 with all members submitting up to five favourite poems to Gail by the beginning of March. Where will I start? Will my poetic cornerstones feature: Plath, Larkin, cummings and Stevie Smith? Hmmm.
For more info on Poetry with Friends and creative workshops run by Gail and I visit http://www.happyplanetcreativearts.org.uk/