As I type this I’m immersed in a podcast about the Great War hosted by military historian, Paul Reed.  The episode I’m enjoying right now is called Trench Chat: Veterans with Richard van Emden and it’s part of Paul’s Old Front Line podcast.

Richard Emden is a British author and television documentary producer specialising in the First World War. His books include The Last Fighting Tommy: the Life of Harry Patch and Boy Soldiers of the Great War.

Harry Patch: Great War veteran

It’s fascinating to hear Paul and Richard swap stories about their encounters with Great War veterans from the 1980s onwards. I’m fired up by their enthusiasm and want to read all their back catalogue. Now!

I feel pride when I listen to Paul’s podcasts as he’s an old pal. We go back a long way. Not as far as the Great War but near enough. I recommend his podcasts. Click here to visit the Old Front Line. You can listen to Paul’s podcasts and check out his books.